function validateFirst(input)
219  {
220  	let result = false;
221  	//Value and position
222  	let first = [];
223  	console.log("Parsing string '" + input + "'");
224  	for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i)
225  	{
226  		let tmp = parseInt(input[i]);
227  		if (!isNaN(tmp))
228  		{
229  			console.log(input[i] + ": Is a number");
230  			if (first[0] && (tmp + first[0] === 10))
231  			{
232  				console.log("first is not empty and tmp + first === 10 (" + tmp + " + " + first[0] + " === " + (tmp + first[0]));
233  				console.log("Finding questions...");
234  				//Iterate backwards to see how many question marks exist between the pair
235  				let questions = 0;
236  				for (let j = i; j > first[1]; --j)
237  				{
238  					if (input[j] === '?')
239  					{
240  						++questions;
241  						console.log(input[j] + ": Is a question. question total is now " + questions);
242  					}
243  					else
244  					{
245  						console.log(input[j] + ": Is not a question.");
246  					}
247  				}
248  				if (questions === 3)
249  				{
250  					console.log("questions === 3! result is now true.");
251  					result = true;
252  				}
253  				else
254  				{
255  					console.log("questions !== 3. result is false and breaking.");
256  					result = false;
257  					break;
258  				}
259  			}
260  			first[0] = tmp;
261  			first[1] = i;
262  		}
263  		else
264  		{
265  			console.log(input[i] + ": Is not a number");
266  		}
267  	}
268  	return result;
269  }