Privacy Policy

 As per the Google Play Store requirements, my app(s) require(s) that I have a privacy policy posted somewhere on the internet. Since there were no guidelines on making a privacy policy, I'm going to do the best I can to make this as simple as possible.

 Honestly, it's hard enough getting my apps to just work correctly, since I do this as a hobby. I don't have the time nor the motivation to make a malicious app that could take your data, nor do I have the skill to get away with it. If I need a permission from you in an app, Android will take care of asking you for the permission, and it will be up to you to grant it. I will only ask for permissions that I need for the app to perform it's full functionality.

 All of my apps are open source. Quite frankly, it would be pretty dumb of me to put in malicious code in an open source app. You are more than welcome to take a look at the source code of any of my apps (my Github is linked below).

Apps that require permissions and why they need them:

Color Finder

 In order to access the user's wallpaper, the user must grant access for the app to read media on the device. Without this permission, you simply won't be able to grab colors from your wallpaper. You can still choose files on your device to get colors from.

No BS QR Code Scanner

 In order to scan QR codes, the app needs access to the device's camera. Without this permission, the app will not be able to function except for uploading your own images to scan manually for QR codes.

Ear Trainer

Does not require any special permissions.